The National Fisheries Authority, an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, wishes to advise all organisers of entertainment events, operators of eating establishments, shops, and supermarkets, and patrons of these establishments that it is illegal to sell or offer for sale any conch meat in any form whatsoever, including soups and salads, during the ongoing close season which runs until March 31, 2020. Failure to comply will lead to prosecution of offenders in a court of law with a maximum fine of $ 3 million. The Fisheries Authority anticipates your full cooperation in our efforts to sustainably manage and utilize our fisheries resources.
For further information please contact the National Fisheries Authority at 876-967-2081, 876-967-1601, 876-948-9014; or email at or
Welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is described as Jamaica's "Business Ministry." It's mandate is to lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs, while achieving social inclusion and consumer protection. The Ministry, working its stakeholders is primarily responsible for business policy development, monitoring and evaluation, while giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.
We have, therefore, placed much energy and enthusiasm into the development of this website to provide timely information on the Ministry, our agencies and programmes.
4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 968-7116
Fax: (876) 960-7422