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Exciting Activities For Global Entrepreneurship Week

Article Archives
November 2021

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica Business Development Corporation, Harold Davis.

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 12 Nov 2021    user   

The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) has organised a host of events to commemorate Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), which is being observed November 8 to12.

The events include a Business Dialogue Forum on Monday (November 8) at 1:00 p.m.; JBDC Virtual Biz Zone on Tuesday (November 9) at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; Opportunity Evening on Wednesday (November 10) at 4:00 p.m.; Raising Capital on Thursday (November 11) at 10:00 a.m.; The Entrepreneur’s Journey on Friday (November 12) at noon and the JBDC BOSS of the Year Awards at 1:00 p.m.

Speaking in a recent Jamaica Information Service ‘Get the Facts’ television interview, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, JBDC, Harold Davis directed persons who want to participate in any of the events to the JBDC website at to register.

“It’s an exciting week. Lots to chew on for the week, lots of exciting things. You want to be here; you want to be involved in it if you are an entrepreneur, budding entrepreneur, existing entrepreneur, aspiring entrepreneur, growing entrepreneur – here is the place that you have to be,” said Mr. Davis.

He further indicated that the week is being celebrated under the theme, ‘Reboot. Rethink. Regenerate’.

In highlighting the significance of the theme, Mr. Davis said that many businesses have had to pivot since the COVID-19 pandemic while others have failed to recover from “the shock of the marketplace”.

“We thought that now is a good time to have businesses kind of refocus on what it is that it means to be an entrepreneur,” he said, adding that at the core of entrepreneurship is looking at the opportunities, expressing a particular value proposition, solving a problem and ultimately doing so viably.

“We thought that rebooting of that entrepreneurial spirit was critical, we thought that we needed to rethink, and we think that we continuously need to rethink what the consumer is like, what the market is like – all of those things would have changed, so the thinking towards your business has to be new,” Mr. Davis continued.

He further noted that the spirit of regeneration has to do with innovation and thinking outside of the box.

“Infusing innovation in every single step of your business process such that what you generate as product [or] as a business will enable you to be sustained in 2022 going forward in the new world that exists,” said Mr. Davis.

The JBDC initiative is a cooperative arrangement among government agencies and the private sector, associations, academic and research communities. More than 2,000 businesses have benefited from JBDC’s services over the years and many have returned a profit with its interventions.

Source: JIS


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