Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Audley Shaw (4th left), along with (from left) President, K. Craft Associates Inc., Kaye Craft; President, Renaissance Management Group INC., Sharon McLennon, Founder/CEO, Caribbean Centre for Organisation Development of Excellence (CARI-CODE) and Caribbean Organisation Development Network (CODN), Ilsa duVerney; CEO, Step HR Consulting, Shane Ram; Ricardo Fernandez of Strategic Associate Inc.; Founding Director, CODN, Lorna McDonald; and CEO, Torch Enterprises, Dr. Pamela Jolly, at the Organisation Development Transformation Conference, at the Spanish Court Hotel, on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. The two-day conference is being hosted by the CARI-CODE and the CODN from May 21-22, under the theme 'OD - 2.0 Rise to Meet Opportunities of the New Decade'.
Minister Shaw calls for increase in worker productivity
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