Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Dermon Spence (centre), congratulates Executive Director, Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ), Hopeton Heron, at the celebratory function to commemorate the Bureau’s 50th Anniversary celebration and launch of activities, which will be held over a twelve-month period, at its Winchester Road offices in Kingston on Monday, July 15, 2019. At right is Acting Chief Technical Director in the Ministry, Monique Gibbs. The BSJ team was joined by representatives of the Ministry and its agencies, stakeholders, retirees, clients, friends and well-wishers at the ceremony. The anniversary celebrations will be used as an opportunity to celebrate the Bureau’s achievements and its continuous journey towards achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in standardization.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Dermon Spence has lauded the work of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica and its contribution to national development over its 50 years of existence.
The Permanent Secretary was addressing the celebratory function and launch of the 50th Anniversary activities at the Bureau’s offices, 6 Winchester Road on July 15.
The Permanent Secretary noted that this achievement is a significant one for the Bureau, and that the hard work that the organization has put in over the years has paid off.
“Fifty years is truly a significant milestone in the life of any organisation. In your 5-decade history, you have been an outstanding organization, contributing significantly to standards at the national, regional and international levels. For us, this is rather an apt occasion as we celebrate with you here today. This is not so much about festivity, but a solemn occasion to pause and look back at this fifty year journey and where you go from here. I am certain that you have a roadmap,” the Permanent Secretary said.
He informed that other countries want to come and view what is being done at the Bureau and to get the technical staff to assist them in establishing their standards agencies.
“We are confident in the Ministry that we house one of the best organizations in Jamaica that sets national standards and, holds this country to the highest level of quality. For us quality and standards are of serious national concern,” added Mr. Spence
Meanwhile, in his remarks, Chief Executive Officer of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica, Hopeton Heron, said that at 50, the Bureau has matured over the years, having gained solid experience and, recognizing that there are many more opportunities for the agency to advance as it grows older.
“This is an organisation rooted in standards, in standard development and, in quality systems. We are grounded in consumer protection demonstrated by our robust monitoring and regulation of compulsory standards. We are an agency, always acutely aware that our first priority is ensuring the health and safety of the people of this country,” Mr. Heron added.
The BSJ, an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, has several celebratory events planned to commemorate its Anniversary celebration, which will be held over a twelve-month period. Among the activities to be undertaken are a church service, a project demonstrating corporate social responsibility and a Staff Awards ceremony.
The celebrations will be used as an opportunity to celebrate the Bureau’s achievements and its continuous journey toward achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in standardization.
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The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is described as Jamaica's "Business Ministry." It's mandate is to lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs, while achieving social inclusion and consumer protection. The Ministry, working its stakeholders is primarily responsible for business policy development, monitoring and evaluation, while giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.
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