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April 2023

24 April 2023

Business Path Being Cleared for Medicinal Cannabis Industry Players

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is moving to make doing business within the medicinal cannabis industry easier. Speaking at a press conference, held at Jamaica House on April 13, Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, said efforts will be made to ensure that the Jamaican market has all the medicinal cannabis it needs. “Under the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), which is a product of the United Nations Single Convention Treaty of 1961, we will seek to ensure that the Jamaican market has all the medicinal cannabis products that it needs and, therefore,...

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Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) Vice President in charge of Investment and Linkages, Norman Naar, speaking during a recent Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ at the Agency’s head office in Kingston.

JAMPRO Endorses ‘Ahead of the Curve’ Theme for Outsource2Jamaica Conference

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) has endorsed the theme for the upcoming Outsource2Jamaica Conference and commended the organisers for selecting one reflecting current developments in the outsourcing industry. The conference, being organised by the Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ), is slated for May 10 and 11 at the Jewels Grande Montego Bay All-Inclusive Resort and Spa in St. James, under the theme ‘Ahead of the Curve’. Speaking during a recent Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ at the Agency’s head office in Kingston, JAMPRO Vice President in charge of...

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Senior Sales and Promotion Manager at Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), Ricardo Durant. 

April 27 & 28 Are Buyers’ Days at Expo Jamaica

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
The first two days of Expo Jamaica 2023 have been reserved exclusively for buyers to transact business with exhibitors. Expo Jamaica will be held from April 27 to 30 at the National Indoor Sports Centre and the National Arena in Kingston, under the theme: ‘Connecting the World to Jamaica.’ Speaking at a recent Jamaica Information Service (JIS) Think Tank, Senior Sales and Promotion Manager at Jamaica Promotions Corporation ( JAMPRO ), Ricardo Durant, said that April 27 and 28 have been set aside for buyers to meet with local manufacturers and other providers of goods and services, and explore...

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Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA) President, John Mahfood.

Expo Jamaica to Help Re-Energise Exports

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
Expo Jamaica 2023 provides the opportunity for businesses to jump-start exports coming out of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, says President of the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA), John Mahfood. “We see this as an event to re-energise our manufacturers, who are now gearing up and putting behind us, the recovery mode or survival mode and now looking to expand their businesses overseas,” he said. “My expectation is that this, more than any other Expo, will bring us together and galvanise the effort at exporting,” he added. Mr. Mahfood was speaking at a recent Jamaica...

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Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia “Babsy” Grange (centre), and Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn (right), with (from left), Commercial Manager of CBD Wellness, Raihn Sibblies; CEO of JACANA, Alexandra Chong; and reggae musician, Jesse Royal, at an event at Island Village in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, on Thursday, April 20, in recognition of International Cannabis Day.

Ministry Continues to Advocate for Inclusion of More Farmers in Cannabis Industry

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce continues to advocate for the inclusion of more Jamaican farmers in the cultivation of ganja as part of efforts to develop the sector and tap into its potential economic benefits. State Minister in the Ministry, Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, has said that the Government’s Alternative Development Programme (ADP) is a key initiative for community groups and small-scale growers to gain access to legal channels in the industry. “The ADP is a community-centred approach in which participating communities will be allowed to cultivate up to 10 acres of...

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Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), Sharonmae Shirley.

JANAAC Ensures Exports Meet Int’l Standards

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
The Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC) is playing its part to strengthen Jamaica’s export market by ensuring that the quality of the products that are exported meet international standards. Since the agency was established in 2007, they have been robustly seeking to get as many certification bodies as possible and other conformity assessment entities accredited to the respective international standards, which include labs, testing labs, medical testing labs, calibration labs and inspection bodies. This will ensure that the quality of the products that are traded in the market...

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President, Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ) Anand Biradar, shares details about the upcoming Outsource2Jamaica 2023 Conference, during a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ at the Agency’s head office in Kingston, on Tuesday (April 11).

Businesses Invited to Participate in Outsource2Jamaica 2023 Conference

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 24 Apr 2023    donovan.saunches   
Companies operating in the Global Services Sector (GSS) as well as businesses in the finance, tourism, agriculture and logistics industries are being invited to participate in the Outsource2Jamaica 2023 Conference. The event, being organised by the Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ), is slated for May 10 and 11 at the Jewels Grande Montego Bay All-Inclusive Resort and Spa in St. James, under the theme ‘Ahead of the Curve’. Registration may be done online at Speaking during a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ at the Agency’s head office in...

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The Ministry

Welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.

The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is described as Jamaica's "Business Ministry." It's mandate is to lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs, while achieving social inclusion and consumer protection. The Ministry, working its stakeholders is primarily responsible for business policy development, monitoring and evaluation, while giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.

We have, therefore, placed much energy and enthusiasm into the development of this website to provide timely information on the Ministry, our agencies and programmes.


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4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 968-7116 
Fax: (876) 960-7422 

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Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


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