Government of Jamaica

Nation Builder Awards (NBA)

Name of Entity: 
National Commercial Bank (NCB)

Brief Description: 

NCB stages its biennial Nation Builder Awards Programme to recognize and celebrate its SME business customers. The Programme, launched in 2008, highlights outstanding entrepreneurial performance, sound operational practices, and SMEs contribution to community development.

The Awards programme has three (3) categories open to applicants:

  • Nation Builder Award – The Nation Builder Award goes to the most outstanding entrepreneurial performance by an established business, an NCB customer that has demonstrated a clear and significant contribution to community development;

  • Innovation Award – The Innovation Award salutes a business which is an NCB customer and has used creativity, including but not limited to technology, to introduce a new product, tap into a new market and/ or gain competitive advantage;

  • Young Entrepreneur Award – The Young Entrepreneur award recognizes a business that has been in operation for up to three (3) years with commendable business performance, strong community impact and whose principal is 35 years old or under.


The NBA programme also recognizes and supports the entrepreneurial spirit and aspirations of a final year Management Studies or Entrepreneurial Studies student of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. This student is identified by the head of Department of the Management Students, as having prepared and submitted the best final year business plan/ project. This category is the NCB Vision Award.

Find Contact: 


32 Trafalgar Road
Kingston 10
Jamaica W.I.
Telephone: 929-4622

Learn More: 

The Ministry

Welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.

The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce is described as Jamaica's "Business Ministry." It's mandate is to lead the development of policies that will create growth and jobs, while achieving social inclusion and consumer protection. The Ministry, working its stakeholders is primarily responsible for business policy development, monitoring and evaluation, while giving direction and oversight to a cluster of implementing departments and agencies.

We have, therefore, placed much energy and enthusiasm into the development of this website to provide timely information on the Ministry, our agencies and programmes.


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4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 968-7116 
Fax: (876) 960-7422 

Opening hours: 
Mondays - Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


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